Average 18 Year Old Spends 1,653 Hours On Their Phone Per Year

per year device time

The Average 18 Year Old Spends 1,653 (68 Days) Hours On Their Mobile Phone Per Year

  • On average a female spends 2 hours 17 minutes a day on her mobile
  • On average a male spends 2 hours 14 minutes a day on his mobile
  • The average 18 year old spends 343 hours (14 Days) a year on social media channels (Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and YouTube).
  • The average 18 year old spends 1 hours 23 minutes texting and 32 minutes in a telephone conversation
  • The average 18 year old spends 1 hours 28 minutes browsing the internet
  • 18 > 25 Year Olds Spend 6X (times) longer on their mobile than a 55 Year Old.
  • Gloucester and Swansea have appeared as the highest ranking cities which spend an average of 1 hour a day texting.
  • It was also found that people from Gloucester and Swansea were the highest consumers of time spent texting on their mobile phone.


BrightHouse have surveyed 1,000 people in which they have been asked how much time they spend on their mobile phone.

From this research, an interactive calculator works out how long individuals spend on these devices from the ages of 18 to 83 taken into consideration. Each device is split up into further categories to show what type of activity is spent on these devices. Whether this is; texting, calling, watching soaps, playing computer games or browsing the internet.

12% of people clock up 2 hours every day on their mobile phones with males spending 2 minutes less than females daily.

With the time mounting up that we spend on social media and websites on our mobiles we can determine that this will only become more as phones are the necessity in this 21st century we live in.

Paul Stevens at BrightHouse said: “This interactive calculator will help us to keep a close eye on whether we are spending too much time on these devices when the time could be better spent on other more important things.”

Discussing the results in further detail, Paul Stevens commented: “Am I surprised at the amount of time spent? Not really! I’d be the first to admit I spend an unhealthy amount of time on my Xbox, phone and laptop. I don’t think it’ll slow down for some time either. With the Internet of Things rolling out across everyday objects eventually we’ll be connected 100% of the time.”


Chief Editor of DroidHorizon. I own a few different devices at the minute and enjoy writing reviews and sharing what I think is cool. You can often find me playing Playstation 4 or sprawled across the couch with headphones on (maybe with a nice beer or gin & tonic in-hand)

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