Should College Students Use Apps to Do Their Homework?

College homework may include math problems, writing assignments, or questions in assignments like history and math. When students are juggling college with work and a social life, however, it becomes more difficult to finish everything. A good alternative is using apps. However, are these a good choice for students trying to do homework? Let’s find out.


  • Apps Can Be Used for Learning


Most students have at least one subject they struggle in. Since tutoring does not always fit around a busy college schedule, apps can be used to help struggling students. They may also make completing homework faster or easier. Here’s a look at some common apps for college students:

  • Grammar/Spelling Checkers- These are checkers that look over papers you have written and recommend changes. This will help students get the highest grade on their papers.
  • Plagiarism Checkers- These tools check for words that have been copied from another source. Students may do this unintentionally. Plagiarism checkers spare them from the penalty of plagiarised work.
  • Math Problem Solvers- The best problem solvers will show students the steps used to arrive at an answer. This can substitute as a tutor in some cases since students are learning what they need to do.
  • Homework Solvers- There are also many apps that allow students to ask questions about subjects other than English and Math. Often, you upload your question and wait for an expert to answer it.

main Should College Students Use Apps to Do their Homework


  • Apps Can Be Used Unethically


Even though there are many benefits of using apps to do my homework, there is also a risk of students cheating. When students don’t use apps as tools, they might copy down the answers. This comes with the risk of failing when it is time to test. However, there are also numerous consequences for students caught cheating. Students using apps unethically are not alone, though. Statistics show as many as 75% of college students have cheated at least once.


  • Should College Students Use Homework Apps?


There are many benefits offered by apps for college students. They can be used as tools of learning that further understanding and help in challenging areas. These tools can also help prevent instances of plagiarism, which can also have severe consequences for students. Others might streamline a tedious process, such as citation generators that make creating a reference page easier.

Even though there are drawbacks of using homework help apps, there is no reason students cannot use them ethically. These apps can be used in a way to further education instead of encouraging cheating. By using them the right way, students ensure these apps remain available to future learners.


Using apps and services has the potential to improve a college student’s education. However, if you are not learning the material, you may be missing out on critical information that you’ll need later in your education or work life. To avoid this, use learning apps ethically. They should enhance your education, rather than complete your assignments for you.

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