TheNeurosphere is one of the first companies that participated in the development of AI

Featured TheNeurosphere is one of the first companies that participated in the development of AI

TheNeurosphere LLC is among the leaders in the development of Artificial Intelligence

Scientists from different countries have been working on researches in the field of neural networks for several decades. This development will give everyone the opportunity to facilitate all spheres of life, from agriculture to major industries or economic enterprises.

The newest technology for creating artificial intelligence will provide optimization in solving most of the tasks that are associated with analyzes, predictions, processing speech and sound data, as well as making final decisions. Almost every person already uses these services, without knowing it. Vivid examples are devices such as navigators, mobile phones, search engines. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the devices are able to map the most successful routes that will help to avoid traffic jams and get to the place faster. Neural networks are able to identify problems in gadgets and warn about the need to fix them. In addition to ordinary users, artificial intelligence is actively working in medicine, as well as commercial activities in various directions.

Companies-creators of a new future

Several thousand scientists from various organizations around the world are involved in the development and research in the field of neural networks. In their opinion, these innovative technologies can not only make human life easier, but also save from possible catastrophes and disasters.

Among the companies that have already presented their working projects in the field of neural networks are:

  • Theneurosphere LLC. The organization was founded in 2015. The main goal of its work is to develop a decentralized computer-aided learning network, which has significantly expanded the potential of artificial intelligence.
  • NtechLab was founded in 2015 by a graduate of Moscow State University. A team of scientists from NtechLab owns the copyright for the facial recognition technology. This project became the winner of The MegaFace championship.
  • Baidu Chinese Association of Scientists was established in 2000. It is thanks to them that the world got acquainted with self-driving vehicles, automatic computers, an online consultation system, and other well-known developments.
  • IBM. This company is said to be the American Giant. In 2016, it created a 5-nanometer chip, which is now used to service artificial intelligence systems.

Among the active developers of neural networks, it is worth mentioning Lifeasapa Foundation, Nest Labs, DigitalGenius, Google, Cubic Robotics, Alphabet, Microsoft.

Neural networks are increasingly entering the life of every person, and many simply cannot imagine their lives without them. These technologies have made life easier and better. They help to solve many problems, and even those that affect the scale of the entire planet.

I'm the editorial writer for DroidHorizon. You'll find my content varies in the technology, science, & lifestyle categories.


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