Better battery

Snapdragon BatteryGuru Review

  Snapdragon BatteryGuru Review Android has no shortage of apps claiming to extend your battery life, and the latest free contender from Qualcomm is designed to only work with devices sporting their Snapdragon processors. Once installed this app won’t show any benefit for 3 days.  During that time it watches you.  Don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of N.S.A. app designed to i...[Read More]

Better Battery Life/ Super Charge, Tips & Advice.

[embedplusvideo height=”382″ width=”630″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=v-lnhaCtodE&width=630&height=382&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=1&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9918″ /]   Stumbled upon this video by accident, maybe it could be of use to some ...[Read More]

Battery Widget? Reborn!

So full of awesomeness this app and darn does it look so sexy on the Nexus7. Fully customisable on where and what you want to add and monitor in the pull down notification area or just add the widget to your home screen as a circle battery then click for options. That graph is what we really like (See picture). Who doesn’t like graphs? Play Store link