Adam Johnson

I write a couple things every now and then. I'm glad to have my small corner. My posts will consist of reviews, current news from the Android/Google/Tech world, and maybe my thoughts on a subject for you to agree or disagree. Enjoy!

RedBox Instant by Verizon, Quick Review

I’m going to try and give our readers just a little insight as to what you can expect from this new service. At first announcement I was excited to find out what RedBox Instant by Verizon really had to offer. Could it compete with our favorite streaming services, Netflix, Amazon Instant, or Hulu Plus? Two of those which I currently use by the way. The $8 service includes streaming either a l...[Read More]

Experience with Zappos Android App and Customer Service

This is not a brand new Android app, but it is a new app to me. Actually this quick post will be a mix of the Zappos Android app and their customer service. So basically what you will be reading is a recap of my Zappos purchasing experience. Recently I was searching for new pair of kicks. Puma’s to be exact.  Of course I found plenty from all over, Amazon, Ebay, etc. I just was not satisfied in te...[Read More]

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