
Binge Anywhere: How to Watch Netflix Offline

Did you know that you can download Netflix content from your phone, tablet, or PC? Here’s how to watch Netflix offline on any device.   The average Netflix customer uses the service 10 hours a week, or 40 hours a month. It’s single-handedly started a revolution in the way we get our TV fix. But the revolution has some growing pains. As nice as Netflix is, what happens when you don...[Read More]

Why bulk messaging is better than any other advertizing

Running any type of business is not easy under huge pressure of rivals. Inventing a fresh idea sounds impossible, as it seems like all has been created and launched before us. Veterans have settled in all spheres and branches. They hardly give a breath to newbies. Those who take risks and struggle for their place in the sun apply to aggressive marketing strategies, placing all they have at stake. ...[Read More]