Books About the Psychology of Gaming

Books About the Psychology of Gaming

Nowadays, video games are rapidly gaining popularity. It is not surprising that people have begun to seek to understand psychology to outperform their competitors. Besides, gaming psychology is a relatively recent discipline with a large body of sophisticated literature. The books listed below will help you figure out how to beat your rival or what strategy to use while playing various video games.

#1 Predictably Irrational – Dan Ariely

The author believes that everyone is irrational. For example, the process by which we make economic decisions is influenced by many factors that we do not consider. Thus, discious-making is often as random as winning in casino games. This book is written for a wide variety of readers who want to know when they act consciously and irrationally. 

After reading the book, you might be able to understand the following: 

  • How does the human brain function? 
  • How can you objectively assess the algorithms that consciousness uses to create decisions? 
  • How to control your choice?

The book contains many real-life examples to help the reader fully grasp its essence. Ariely demonstrates that the term “free” does not always mean freedom. The truth is that our emotions entirely dominate us and can influence our decisions. In a computer game, this can significantly help you achieve success.

#2 Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion – Robert Cialdini

Everyone probably wants to have as many tricks as possible to influence their opponent. Furthermore, such methods are applicable in real life. Scarcity, reciprocity, social proof, authority, sympathy, and commitment are the six elements of persuasion revealed by Robert Cialdini. The author guarantees that by learning these principles, anyone can learn to develop relationships and interact with others more successfully. 

#3 Nudge – Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein

In their book, behavioral economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein discuss what drives human decisions. The book also explains how to encourage people to make particular decisions, which is helpful in the game industry. 

According to the writers, we always choose a more straightforward choice that needs fewer actions than a more profitable one. We can see how many people use music subscriptions worldwide by looking at Statista statistics. Have you ever been too lazy to cancel a subscription? The same thing undoubtedly happened with games: you purchased a trial period and either forgot or were too lazy to cancel it.

#4 Understanding Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games – Jamie Madigan

The book describes how psychological and decision-making research are employed in games to impact players’ behavior. Furthermore, the methods of reassuring customers to buy the game are explained. The author believes that quests and competition games are the most incredible ways to engage people in playing online games. 

Thanks to the author’s sense of humor, the book will be useful and fun. Thus, if you enjoy games, psychology, and jokes, Jamie Madigan’s book is an excellent choice. 

Application of the Psychology of Gaming in Real Life

As video gaming enters the life of more and more people, they gain a chance to leverage skills learned by playing various games in real life. Game psychology can help us better plan the achievement of long-term goals, learn to deal with stress, improve decision making, boost our negotiation skills, etc. One VR startup even utilizes gaming psychology to help cancer patients fight their diseases and simplify the long treatment process.

Thus, make sure to read the books from our list to enhance your gaming experience and leverage the knowledge received in real life as well.

I'm the editorial writer for DroidHorizon. You'll find my content varies in the technology, science, & lifestyle categories.

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