670 search results for "game"

Best Mobile Games On Android to Be Playing Right Now

Gaming has become one of the most popular activities in the world, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic struck upon us, basically making us all stay at home and not really do anything else. While before we would look at mobile gaming as a leisurely activity to pass the time, nowadays the mobile gaming industry has taken huge leaps in popularity and has become one of the most sought after activit...[Read More]

The Top Mobile Games For Android In 2021

The future of mobile games looks incredibly healthy indeed, especially looking at the ongoing advancements we are continually exposed to in the modern world. As a result, the smartphones we now have access to and the games we can enjoy on them are more sophisticated and boast impressive power that we have simply never seen before.  As a result of the improved all-around gaming experience on mobile...[Read More]

Don’t Freak Out But Your Game Console Is Filthy

Bumbling around the internet we stumbled upon some awesome info-graphs by the bloggers over on Betway. The guys and girls over there sent off 12 sets of randomly selected games console and computers, as well as a kitchen table and toilet seat to a special lab to test how filthy they really are, the results might surprise you.. How Much Bacteria is on the average console: Powered by Betway PlayStat...[Read More]

3 New Game Recommendations (Jan 2021)

We’ve been bumbling around the Google Play Store these last few days trying to find a new game to start playing. We thought we’d share with our readers, maybe you happen to be looking for something new or exciting too? In no particular order of preference read on to see what we’ve been playing… If you’ve got a game that we must have a look at, let us know.   Gord...[Read More]

Seven Latest Multiplayer Games For Your Pc

We live in a highly digitalized era, where communication is dependant on social media to connect. Similarly, the gaming world has incorporated multiplayer games to include people worldwide to indulge in healthy competition simultaneously. Humans have a social nature, and one needs to socialize with others to be a part of the community. Gaming helps overcome this barrier in a sense, especially in t...[Read More]

Casino Games That Push Smartphone Specs to the Limits

There was once a time when both online casino games and mobile phones were rather simplistic. In fact, the phone and the casino website hit the mass consumer market at around the same time during the mid-1990s. Both products performed singular functions for users. Casino websites offered basic representations of the most popular casino games, such as blackjack, roulette and poker, while phones wer...[Read More]

Archero – A Great Smartphone Game You Should Never Download

Mobile phone gaming is a rather delicate topic. On the one hand, you have hardcore gamers who grew up playing various titles on numerous different consoles. From spending thousands of dollars on powerful and expensive PC configurations to buying next-generation consoles and large TVs, tons of people are taking gaming very seriously. To them, anything that can be played on a portable smartphone is ...[Read More]

The best mobile apps revitalising traditional games

The growth in popularity of online games seems to have given a new lease of life to many of our old favourites, enabling people to partake with others without the need to be in the same room or even creating new demand for the old games from those who would never have played them otherwise. Here we take a look at some of the best mobile apps which have revitalised traditional games of the past. &n...[Read More]

The android games worth downloading at the moment

The gaming world is a vastly detailed and comprehensively brilliant one these days. The amount of different games and devices to game on is like we’ve never seen before, alongside the improvements made around graphics, gameplay and the rest. Gaming is in a healthy place, that much is obvious. In fact, it has never been healthier.  One factor which has contributed massively to the growth of gaming ...[Read More]

These are the top 5 Mobile Games in 2020

Mobile games have gained vast popularity in recent years. Whether you are a casual gamer or you need some popular game options to build on your Google play library, you will always find a game that suits you. Due to the abundant choices of various sets available, picking the right one can be quite challenging. Here are several options that you can choose to keep you entertained throughout. PUBG Mo...[Read More]

Where Are Video Games Taking Us Next In 2020?

As the world of technology has continued to develop there has been an unprecedented amount of growth in what was is possible within gaming. As technology has improved, there has been a huge number of popular franchises and titles that have revolutionised gaming and bought their fans with them. In this article, we will be looking into how video games will continue to develop in the near future.  Re...[Read More]

3 Android Games that Will Tickle Your Brain

I know I love a good brain teaser from time to time, and so do a lot of mobile game players. These games are fun when you have to endure through a boring commute or when you’re looking for a bit of excitement and challenge.  Since I’ve played loads of Android games, and I know good games are hard to find in the pile of games Google Play offers, I thought to share some of these fun games that...[Read More]